Metaphysical FAQ's

In metaphysics there is no judgement, there are no absolutes, just infinite possibility. 

Metaphysics is the study, and the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom through experiencing the All.

What is Metaphysics?

Metaphysics means 'the world beyond what is physical' and in simple terms can be defined as the science that supports spiritual or mystical beliefs and practices. 

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies the ultimate nature of existence, reality, and experience without being bound to any one theological doctrine or dogma.

What is a Metaphysical Minister?

A Metaphysical Minister or Practitioner can also be identified as an 'Interfaith Scientist' who is non-discriminative of all faiths because they see the mystery and the commonality between them all. 

A Metaphysical Minister is one who applies the ancient mystery teachings to their everyday life to help both themselves and those around them to navigate the process of self-actualization and multidimensional success. 

This is a person who lives by the Spiritual Laws and counsels others so they can attain clear and balanced thinking in their lives.

What is Multidimensional Success?

Multidimensional Success occurs when you purposefully align your professional and personal lives to achieve your goals and make your unique impact in the world.

What is a Metaphysical Reading?

 Metaphysical readings tap into universal consciousness, which always knows the highest good for each and every person at any given time. The information that comes through is specific to you.

Tarot cards, astrology, numerology, and the Akashic Records, a kind of cosmic library where all the information and wisdom pertaining to each soul that’s ever incarnated resides, are all types of metaphysical readings.

Christi offers BQH Sessions.
